We had a huge morning circle with a ton of extra guests today - friends, video makers, parents, visitors - and all sang together to "Three Little Birds."Mackenzie and I talked about characters with the Flying Fish by reading "The New Kid on the Block" and "Clara Cleech" by Jack Prelutsky.
A fraction of the production team filming the next Tuneyards music video at Brightworks.
Coke's friend Rick joined the Ninja Cats in the morning to show them his journal of beautiful illustrations and tell stories about them. His stories and drawings about moments in his life inspired the kids to draw with more detail and care.
One of the most interesting drawings was done in blood, after Rick had cut himself while farming.
They worked on their potential energy machines and struggled through problem-solving when they all hit barriers.
The double swing - the new trend in cork floor play.
The Undead Goats worked on solving their own problems with Josh.
The Flying Fish went on an excursion to the park to test out their kites.
In the afternoon, the Ninja Cats worked with Mimi, the director of the Tuneyards music video, on moving their bodies like animals and dancing on the cork floor.
...and learned about mad cow disease from Theo's research today.
The Flying Fish initiated two of their own activities today: the first was during quiet time when one of the kids found a book about making paper airplanes and started making their own from post-its and printer paper.
The second was when Mackenzie introduced wire in preparation for a project tomorrow, but the kids took the material down a completely different path when Clementine suggested that they use the wires to create batteries with oranges and lemons. Tim, our artist-in-residence and electricity extraordinaire, was standing by to make sure everyone was safe.
Energy - both in motion and in the kids.