start of fairness

Today was the start of the next arc: Fairness!After movement and climbing this morning, the whole school got together for a ceremonial beginning of the new arc, complete with a song, a discussion of the words associated with Fairness, a scale attached to the rafters to create balance, and a retelling of the story of the Lydians and their invention of dice that their king used to get them through eighteen years of famine.IMG_3816DSCN1663The Great Scale of Balance and Justice.DSCN0407DSCN0420DSCN0433DSCN0432During lunch the bands discussed their ideas about what Fairness means and wrote down their brainstorm to return to later in Exploration.DSCN0434D7K_4172IMG_3825D7K_4178D7K_4180In the afternoon, the bands talked more about the history of dice using Herodotus's account of Lydia and began to use dice to learn about counting and probability.IMG_3820IMG_3822We've found that the kids tend to decide on what they want their project to be before the arc even starts. This morning, Gever made a request that they set aside their initial ideas for the moment and open their minds to the new discoveries that they'll be making during the Exploration phase of this new Fairness arc. We can't wait to fill the kids with new curiosities and get them thinking about Fairness in a way they never have before!