friday photos
Some photos from Friday:Phillip made another stop motion video of the morning circle by recreating one minute on a clock face with people.He set Bruno and Nicky up in making their own videos.
Isaac led a comic-making drawing class.
Elizabeth led the next step in mural painting with Clementine, Aurora, Sadie, Ben, and Quinn.
After Madison's hair braiding, there was a flower-drawing workshop in the art studio.
Tab asked Sean advice on a personal workshop project.
Christie started an a-capella group in the library and they practiced making harmonies for different songs.
The playwrights practiced scene five of their script, running through lines and blocking out scenes.
Jocelyn made us burritos and all the fixings for lunch!
Madison timed her 13.5 second marble run, with Rhone documenting the process in the background.