hawk chairs!

The Hawks have finished their chairs!UntitledMackenzie writes,"This is no small feat...in fact the Hawks practically lived in the workshop for a week to get these chairs done! When using screws it takes less than 3 minutes to join two pieces of wood together, but, when using dowels and glue, each joint takes at least 15 to 20 minutes. This is because each joint has twice as many steps, which means twice as many ways to make a mistake.UntitledThe consequences of careless work were immediate and unavoidable, and the amount of focus, resilience and perseverance required by these chairs was immense.UntitledUntitledThere were times of frustration when chair-building had lost all novelty and was just plain hard. However, the evidence stands around our band table: 6 square, precise and true chairs. These chairs have set the bar for craftsmanship and quality of work at Brightworks. They are truly something to be proud of."Untitled"I never planned for us to spend three days straight in the workshop. I had put together a balanced schedule so we could avoid burn out and maintain continuity with our academic lessons.UntitledUntitledIā€™m really glad that schedule had to be scrapped. There was something about spaciousness of having nothing to do but build chairs that captured the magic of tinkering school.UntitledUntitledIn our action packed lives it is rare to find the freedom of a single minded focus on one problem. Because there was nothing more interesting happening next, the kids sank their teeth into the task at hand. I think it was this kind of freedom and spaciousness that Gever had in mind when he founded Brightworks."Untitled