Embracing Nature: Have you seen our Playground?

In the hustle and bustle of urban life, it's easy to overlook the profound impact nature has on our well-being, particularly for our learners. At Brightworks, we believe that our location, within a national park, is the perfect setting for a well-rounded education.

Nature and Healthy Development

Nature isn't just a beautiful backdrop; it's a vital component of healthy development. Our brains, especially those of young children, are in a constant state of growth and adaptation. The natural world provides the perfect playground for this mental and emotional development.

A Connection Beyond Ourselves


In our busy lives, it's easy to forget how deeply we're connected to the world around us. Nature has a unique way of reminding us of this connection. The children take a 3 minute walk to a redwood grove each day where they let their imaginations run wild. This is THE BEST playground anyone could ask for.

When we immerse ourselves in the great outdoors, we not only connect with the earth but also with each other and ourselves.

During “park time,” each day, the kids are intensely creative and curious. Time in the fresh air, exploring, inventing new games, building sculptures and using those big muscles to climb, helps to develop the skills necessary to learn in the classroom and regulate their bodies.

Reconnecting with Nature

Studies have consistently shown that spending time in nature benefits our physical and mental health. It helps us see ourselves as part of something bigger, as beings who thrive on relationships, community, and participation with the world.

A Natural Part of Learning

At Brightworks, nature isn't an afterthought; it's at the heart of our learning environment. Our unique location within a national park provides a setting where students can not only learn but thrive. Through exploration and discovery in the great outdoors, students develop a profound connection to the world and each other.

Join us in embracing the transformative power of nature. At Brightworks, we understand that by fostering a deep connection to the world around us, we're not only creating well-rounded individuals but also nurturing young minds during their most critical stages of development.

Additional Reading:

If you appreciate the importance of nature as much as we do, you won’t want to miss the interview with Baratunde Thurston and Surgeon General Vivek Murthy.


Nature helps us see ourselves as part of something bigger, that we are beings who thrive on relationships, community, and participation with the world.

-Baratunde Thurston 


Being in Community


Neurodiversity groups