Town Hall Follow-up, July 17

Dear Brightworks Community, 

It was wonderful to see so many of you last night.  For those of you who were unable to attend, you'll find attached the Fall Plan, slide show and recording.

The presenation focused on our different learning scenarios and decision tree.  We are currently still under orders from the SFDPH to stay closed. Should those orders lift, BWX anticipates being able to open, as planned, for 5 days a week in-person instruction.  For families who are unable/unwilling to return, we will offer a distance-learning option. Because of the complexities of staffing a distance learning option, we will be asking families to choose between distance and in-person learning before the beginning of each arc. Families must commit to either distance or in-person learning for the full arc.  

We shared an important piece of information in the presentation last night that was not in the plan: Whether or not the SFDPH lifts closure orders, we would like to know by August 12th if your family would be sending your students to in-person learning or keeping them home to do distance learning for Arc 1. 

In our town hall last night a parent suggested that we send out an inital non-binding survey and share the results with everyone so families can have a better sense of how the distance learning option will be staffed before they make their decision. What a great idea!  Thanks for taking the time to fill it out. We will be sharing the results on August 5th (a week before we will ask for your final decision).  

If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out!

Best wishes, 

Mackenzie and the Leadership Team
