Town Hall, July 16

Dear Brightworks Community,

This Thursday morning, we will be sharing our plan for the fall. We would like to invite you to a Town Hall this Thursday evening at 5:00 pm where we will present the plan and open the floor for questions.

The plan is a 20 page document that looks at our preparations through three lenses: our learning scenarios, the physical safety of our community, as well as our finances.  The most basic message of our plan is this: We are preparing the staff, building and finances for two scenarios; In-person learning 5 days a week (with a distance learning option) and full distance learning. 

Ultimately the decision of whether we are in-person or distant rests with the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH).  We are still under the SFDPH shelter in place order that closed schools in the spring.  With cases rising and California shutting down again, it’s becoming more likely that the school closure order will not be lifted and we will start the school year in distance learning.  That said, we are committed to be prepared for all possibilities and have not slowed our risk-mitigating preparations for in-person learning.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday!  

Best Wishes, 
Mackenzie and Fall Planning Task Force
