
Brightworks started its third arc today! Our theme for the next seven weeks is Motion. We're doing things differently this time around, with less skimming the surface of the theme and a myriad of experts, and more working in bands and in-depth exploration on certain subjects with the three collaborators.The collaborators began the day with a gorgeous display of theatrics and movement on the cork floor.IMG_0163IMG_0158Then the kids were set loose to play with hanging beanbags, a swing, a thunderous hanging sheet of steel, a plastic fire engine, and a stack of boxes to knock over.IMG_0170IMG_0172IMG_0167After a few minutes of play, the kids gathered with the collaborators to brainstorm what the word "motion" means and what it looks and feels like.IMG_0182IMG_0188Then everyone broke into bands and exploration of motion began.The Ssalson Raptors and Chane headed to the park to learn how to do cherry drops and to start the swings using just their bodies.DSCN0869DSCN0867DSCN0874They (and the Flying Fish in the later afternoon) worked on counting and number groupings in the afternoon when they returned from the park.DSCN1002DSCN1012(PS: We added a new Brightworks family member today! Welcome to the school, Nicky!)DSCN1008DSCN1011The Undead Goats began work on a Rube Goldberg machine with Josh.IMG_0198They went to the park to film videos that they could then reverse, but worked on making their bodies move so smoothly that the viewer might not be able to tell that the video was reversed.D7K_5861D7K_5865D7K_5871The Flying Fish spent the morning with Mackenzie jumping off of stage pieces, sometimes with their eyes closed, to feel the sensation of falling.DSCN1224DSCN1016DSCN1033DSCN1024DSCN1041Fish pyramid.DSCN1229They then represented their experiences in paint.DSCN1057What a positive, exciting start to a new arc!