Brightworks Blog
Brightworks is a flurry of activity and we are thrilled to share peeks into the lives of the students, our school and the community.
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Orange Band: Seed, Week 2
We are in the groove. I love looking through my photos from a whole week because I get to remember all the good work we did!We started out by building some foundational knowledge about seeds, flowers and pollinators. Kiddos have expressed the most interest in the idea of symbiosis, or the mutually beneficial relationship between plants and creatures.We kept up with routines like math and literacy skill building time. We had to reorder our number line after it got blown off our table by a lovely ocean breeze, and we started talking about symmetry. Kiddos have also jumped into NaNoWriMo work! It is so exciting to hear about their story ideas, and help them sculpt them into a finished product.
We went on a great field trip to Slide Ranch! This beautiful working farm was a great place for us to go on a nice hike, talk about the interdependence between creatures and plants, and pretend we were bees for a bit. Thank you to our instructor, Jordan River for her patient guidance, action- and info-packed learning! It was great the way she encouraged us to get dirty and learn something new.
What a week; on to the next one!